Abdul Alamgir Ali
Origin Multimedia Design

Origin Multimedia Design have been providing innovative and affordable graphic and web solutions, enabling individuals and organisations of all sizes to achieve their design objectives.

How and where did Origin Multimedia Design start? It all started in 2003, in an institution that has produced some of the most iconic design work, Brunel University. A group of fresh faced revolutionary designers decided to do something practical, with the immense creativity that was in their hearts and minds, these geeks also decided to do freelance work in graphic and website design as a means to cover their sky high tuition and living fees. They brought together their collective skills and talents to form what is now Origin Multimedia Design in the beginning of 2011. (2011-12: Origin Multimedia Design, Print, Web & Identity)

Commercial, 2012
Legacy Chauffeurs 
Commercial, 2011
African Concierge 
Commercial, 2010